1 Castle Vantress 1 Hall of Storm Giants 1 Memorial to Genius 1 Mystic Sanctuary 25 Island 1 A-Wizard Class 1 Wash Away 1 Disdainful Stroke 1 Essence Scatter 1 Jwari Disruption 1 Keep Safe 1 Negate 1 Quench 1 Tale's End 1 Key to the Archive 1 Mind Stone 1 The Magic Mirror 1 A-Spell Satchel 1 Jace, Mirror Mage 1 Midnight Clock 1 Mystical Dispute 1 Saw It Coming 1 Sinister Sabotage 1 Whirlwind Denial 1 Reckoner Bankbuster 1 You Find the Villains' Lair 1 Rewind 1 Sublime Epiphany 1 Mazemind Tome 1 Thassa's Intervention 1 Censor 1 Devious Cover-Up 1 Tome of Legends 1 Ominous Seas 1 Stern Dismissal 1 Depart the Realm 1 Into the Roil 1 Unsubstantiate 1 Blink of an Eye 1 Flood of Tears 1 Cyclone Summoner 1 Scholar of the Ages 1 River's Rebuke 1 Brainstorm 1 Opt 1 Omen of the Sea 1 Narset, Parter of Veils 1 Behold the Multiverse 1 Archmage Emeritus 1 Sea Gate Restoration 1 Otawara, Soaring City 1 Search for Azcanta 1 Crawling Barrens 1 Field of Ruin 1 Ghost Quarter 1 Reliquary Tower 1 Memory Lapse 1 Absorb Energy 1 Dissipate 1 Spell Swindle 1 Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant 1 Syncopate 1 Memory Deluge 1 Discover the Formula 1 Witness Protection 1 Witness the Future 1 The Reality Chip 1 Compulsive Research 1 Thirst for Discovery 1 Supreme Will 1 Chemister's Insight 1 Ravenform 1 Oracle of the Alpha 1 Snow-Covered Island 1 Gate to Seatower 1 Baral, Chief of Compliance