4 Blightbelly Rat 1 Bonepicker Skirge 3 Infectious Inquiry 1 Vat of Rebirth 2 Myr Convert 2 Necrosquito 1 Nimraiser Paladin 1 Duress 3 Scheming Aspirant 2 Sword of Forge and Frontier 1 Anoint with Affliction 4 Vraska's Fall 2 Whisper of the Dross 4 Drown in Ichor 1 Sheoldred's Edict 4 Bilious Skulldweller 1 Extract the Truth 4 The Dross Pits 2 The Seedcore 14 Swamp 2 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 1 Debt to the Kami