5 Snow-Covered Mountain 5 Snow-Covered Island 1 Gate to Seatower 1 Tezzeret's Gambit 1 River's Rebuke 1 Sea Gate Restoration 1 A-Lantern of Revealing 1 Shatterskull Smashing 1 Steam Vents 1 Sulfur Falls 1 Command Tower 1 Stormcarved Coast 5 Island 1 Filter Out 1 Unexpected Windfall 1 Brittle Blast 1 Brainstorm 1 An Offer You Can't Refuse 1 Alchemist's Retrieval 1 Solve the Equation 1 Riverglide Pathway 1 Faithless Looting 1 Sarkhan's Scorn 1 Vindictive Flamestoker 1 Invasion of Segovia 1 Impulse 1 Curiosity 1 Wash Away 1 Abrade 1 Silundi Vision 1 Rewind 1 Prismari Command 1 Deliberate 1 You Find the Villains' Lair 1 Witness Protection 1 Ledger Shredder 1 Big Score 1 Memory Lapse 1 Cathartic Pyre 1 Grapeshot 1 Lightning Strike 1 Thundering Rebuke 1 Mercurial Spelldancer 1 Soul Sear 1 Saw It Coming 1 Dissipate 1 Ionize 1 Relic of Legends 1 Strike It Rich 6 Mountain 1 Slip Out the Back 1 Faerie Mastermind 1 Pact of Negation 1 Fabled Passage 1 Swan Song 1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 1 Sweltering Suns 1 Nezahal, Primal Tide 1 March of Swirling Mist 1 Fading Hope 1 Shivan Reef 1 Lightning Bolt 1 Ral, Storm Conduit 1 Mana Confluence 1 Otawara, Soaring City 1 Seize the Spoils 1 Howling Mine 1 Winds of Rebuke 1 Reckless Handling 1 Mizzix's Mastery 1 Spirebluff Canal 1 Temple of Epiphany 1 Plaza of Heroes 1 Expressive Iteration 1 Aether Spellbomb 1 Magma Opus 1 A-Dragon's Rage Channeler 1 Birgi, God of Storytelling 1 Consider 1 Magda, Brazen Outlaw 1 Search for Azcanta 1 Niv-Mizzet, Parun