1 Glistening Dawn 1 Timberland Ancient 2 Portent Tracker 1 Herbology Instructor 2 Shatter the Source 2 Rugged Highlands 1 Invasion of Ixalan 1 Voldaren Thrillseeker 2 Invasion of Regatha 1 Khenra Spellspear 1 Furnace Gremlin 1 Invasion of Mercadia 1 War-Trained Slasher 1 Furnace Host Charger 1 Rampaging Geoderm 1 Marauding Dreadship 1 Keruga, the Macrosage 1 Cosmic Hunger 1 Streetwise Negotiator 1 Chomping Kavu 1 Sandstalker Moloch 8 Forest 7 Mountain 1 Sunder the Gateway 1 Jungle Hollow 1 Consuming Aetherborn 1 Render Inert 1 Invasion of Pyrulea 1 Fertilid's Favor 1 Ravenous Sailback 1 Atraxa's Fall 1 Halo-Charged Skaab 1 Searing Barb 2 Bonded Herdbeast 1 Blightreaper Thallid 1 Vengeant Earth 1 Flywheel Racer 1 Attentive Skywarden 1 Traumatic Revelation 1 Converter Beast