3 Aetherblade Agent 1 Xerex Strobe-Knight 2 Halo Forager 1 Invasion of Eldraine 1 Gift of Compleation 2 Merciless Repurposing 1 Dreg Recycler 1 Gloomfang Mauler 1 Ichor Drinker 3 Deadly Derision 1 Preening Champion 1 Collective Nightmare 1 Skittering Surveyor 1 Sword of Once and Future 2 Compleated Huntmaster 1 Final Flourish 7 Island 10 Swamp 1 Dreg Recycler 1 Voldaren Thrillseeker 2 Attentive Skywarden 1 Placid Rottentail 1 Fertilid's Favor 2 Tidal Terror 1 Kithkin Billyrider 2 Eyes of Gitaxias 2 Surge of Salvation 1 War-Trained Slasher 1 Bladed Battle-Fan 1 Corrupted Conviction 1 Ravenous Sailback 1 Compleated Huntmaster 1 Firja, Judge of Valor 1 Invasion of Kylem