2 Patriar's Humiliation 20 Plains 3 Destroy Evil 1 Champions of Tyr 3 Lunarch Veteran 1 Voice of the Blessed 1 Impassioned Orator 2 Impassioned Orator 2 Giada, Font of Hope 3 Inspiring Overseer 1 Angel of Vitality 2 Angel of Vitality 3 Celestial Unicorn 2 Borrowed Time 1 The Wandering Emperor 1 Elspeth Resplendent 2 Angelic Quartermaster 1 Invasion of Dominaria 2 Archangel Elspeth 2 Boon-Bringer Valkyrie 1 Guardian of Ghirapur 1 Realmbreaker's Grasp 1 Wedding Announcement 2 Gate to the Citadel