1 Preening Champion 1 Xerex Strobe-Knight 2 Collective Nightmare 1 Blightreaper Thallid 1 Ichor Drinker 1 Eyes of Gitaxias 1 Unseal the Necropolis 1 Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful 1 Merciless Repurposing 2 Vanquish the Weak 1 Final Flourish 8 Island 1 Meeting of Minds 2 Halo Forager 8 Swamp 2 Dreg Recycler 1 Invasion of Innistrad 1 Gift of Compleation 1 Captive Weird 1 Artistic Refusal 1 Gloomfang Mauler 1 Stasis Field 1 Expedition Lookout 1 Expedition Lookout 1 Bloodfell Caves 1 Failed Conversion 2 Onakke Javelineer 1 Phyrexian Archivist 1 Hangar Scrounger 1 Etched Host Doombringer 2 Disturbing Conversion 1 Halo-Charged Skaab 1 Flywheel Racer 1 Redcap Heelslasher 1 Furtive Analyst 2 Coming In Hot 1 Stasis Field 1 Moment of Truth 1 Phyrexian Censor 1 Radha, Coalition Warlord