1 Invasion of Zendikar 1 Preening Champion 1 Storm the Seedcore 1 Serpent-Blade Assailant 1 Invasion of Vryn 1 Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive 1 Mutagen Connoisseur 1 Chrome Host Seedshark 1 Eyes of Gitaxias 3 Tandem Takedown 1 Transcendent Message 2 Stasis Field 1 Timberland Ancient 1 Fertilid's Favor 1 Etali, Primal Conqueror 1 Urn of Godfire 1 Ravenous Sailback 1 Tangled Skyline 7 Island 2 Mountain 8 Forest 1 Final Flourish 1 Gloomfang Mauler 1 Unseal the Necropolis 1 Temporal Cleansing 1 Disturbing Conversion 1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch 1 Arachnoid Adaptation 1 Surge of Salvation 1 Mirror-Shield Hoplite 2 Ral's Reinforcements 1 Obosh, the Preypiercer 1 Iridescent Blademaster 1 Lithomantic Barrage 1 Saiba Cryptomancer 1 Nezumi Freewheeler 1 Assimilate Essence 1 Bladed Battle-Fan