2 Irencrag Feat 4 Skirk Prospector 4 Goblin Warchief 3 Goblin Matron 4 Wily Goblin 4 Muxus, Goblin Grandee 4 Krenko, Mob Boss 1 Hobgoblin Bandit Lord 4 Goblin Chieftain 3 Rundvelt Hordemaster 4 Conspicuous Snoop 8 Mountain 1 Den of the Bugbear 2 Castle Embereth 4 Blood Crypt 4 Dragonskull Summit 4 Haunted Ridge 3 Thoughtseize 3 Leyline of the Void 2 Bloody Betrayal 1 Ambitious Assault 3 Goblin Trashmaster 3 Goblin Chainwhirler