4 Silverback Elder 22 Forest 4 Quirion Beastcaller 4 Llanowar Loamspeaker 4 Defiler of Vigor 2 Tail Swipe 4 Ascendant Packleader 3 Ulvenwald Oddity 1 Boseiju, Who Endures 4 Augur of Autumn 2 Tamiyo's Safekeeping 4 Gala Greeters 2 Cemetery Prowler 1 Glorious Sunrise 1 Primal Adversary 1 Vivien on the Hunt 1 Workshop Warchief 1 Storm the Festival 1 Saryth, the Viper's Fang 1 Unnatural Growth 1 Topiary Stomper 1 Threats Undetected