2 Shalai, Voice of Plenty 4 Adanto Vanguard 4 Tocatli Honor Guard 4 History of Benalia 3 Resplendent Angel 4 Seraph of the Scales 3 Lyra Dawnbringer 1 Angel of Grace 3 Cast Down 4 Mortify 2 Conclave Tribunal 1 Ixalan's Binding 4 Isolated Chapel 2 Memorial to Folly 11 Plains 4 Swamp 4 Godless Shrine 4 Duress 2 Arguel's Blood Fast 2 Diamond Mare 1 Shield Mare 1 Angel of Grace 1 Moment of Craving 1 Ixalan's Binding 1 The Eldest Reborn 1 Ethereal Absolution 1 The Immortal Sun