1 Mothrider Patrol 1 Monastery Swiftspear 1 Iron Apprentice 1 Rabbit Battery 1 Reinforced Ronin 1 Simian Sling 1 Light the Way 1 Akki War Paint 1 Kindled Fury 1 Voltage Surge 1 Titan's Strength 1 Seeker of the Way 1 Young Pyromancer 1 Abbot of Keral Keep 1 Tenth District Legionnaire 1 Genasi Enforcers 1 Insufferable Balladeer 1 Papercraft Decoy 1 Spirited Companion 1 Ogre-Head Helm 1 Cloak of the Bat 1 Blade of Selves 1 Martial Glory 1 Battlefield Promotion 1 Wanderer's Intervention 1 Explosive Entry 1 Kami's Flare 1 Lava Coil 1 You've Been Caught Stealing 1 Gut, True Soul Zealot 1 Wingsteed Rider 1 Hero of the Games 1 Livaan, Cultist of Tiamat 1 Clockwork Fox 1 Spectral Searchlight 1 Risona, Asari Commander 1 Pack Attack 1 Two-Handed Axe 1 Intercessor's Arrest 1 The Fall of Lord Konda 1 Rift Bolt 1 Coronation of Chaos 1 Iron Mastiff 1 Living Lightning 1 Hoarding Ogre 1 Purphoros's Emissary 1 Seven-Tail Mentor 1 Gift of Wrath 1 Heroic Reinforcements 1 Repel the Vile 1 Earth Tremor 1 Befriending the Moths 1 Tiamat's Fanatics 1 Sunblade Samurai 1 Ao, the Dawn Sky 1 The Shattered States Era 1 Gnoll War Band 1 Fang Dragon 1 Flame Discharge 1 Explosive Singularity 1 Farewell 1 Imperial Oath 1 Fiery Fall 1 Golden-Tail Disciple 1 Roadside Reliquary 1 Cryptic Spires 1 Boros Garrison 1 Cliffgate 1 Wind-Scarred Crag 13 Plains 17 Mountain 1 Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa