4 Chemister's Insight 2 Unmoored Ego 3 Nightveil Predator 2 Hostage Taker 2 Discovery 3 Vraska's Contempt 2 Ritual of Soot 4 Thought Erasure 2 Cry of the Carnarium 2 Search for Azcanta 2 The Eldest Reborn 4 Drowned Catacomb 7 Island 6 Swamp 4 Watery Grave 2 Doom Whisperer 3 Sinister Sabotage 2 Negate 1 Memorial to Folly 1 Field of Ruin 2 Karn, Scion of Urza 2 Cast Down 2 Thief of Sanity 2 Divest 2 Duress 1 Cry of the Carnarium 2 Unmoored Ego 2 Fountain of Renewal 1 Mnemonic Betrayal 1 Disinformation Campaign