1 Island 1 Island 1 Island 1 Mountain 1 Mountain 1 Mountain 1 Mountain 1 Mountain 1 Mountain 1 Mountain 1 Mountain 1 Island 1 Island 1 Island 1 Farideh, Devil's Chosen 2 Barbarian Class 1 You Come to a River 1 Goblin Morningstar 1 Earth-Cult Elemental 1 You See a Pair of Goblins 3 Hoarding Ogre 1 Rimeshield Frost Giant 1 Magic Missile 1 Pixie Guide 1 Contact Other Plane 2 Brazen Dwarf 1 Scion of Stygia 1 Swarming Goblins 1 Feywild Trickster 1 Djinni Windseer 1 Plundering Barbarian 2 Power of Persuasion 1 Ray of Frost 1 Adult Gold Dragon 1 Plains 1 Island 1 Island 2 You Come to a River 3 Boots of Speed 1 Inspiring Bard 1 Unexpected Windfall 1 Mordenkainen's Polymorph 1 Goblin Javelineer 1 You Come to the Gnoll Camp 2 Critical Hit 1 Bull's Strength 1 Soulknife Spy 1 Leather Armor 2 Rimeshield Frost Giant 1 Bar the Gate 1 Clever Conjurer