1 Delver's Torch 16 Plains 1 Devoted Paladin 1 Paladin's Shield 1 Cave of the Frost Dragon 1 Magic Missile 1 Planar Ally 1 Flumph 2 Priest of Ancient Lore 2 Arborea Pegasus 1 Dwarfhold Champion 1 Plate Armor 2 Ranger's Hawk 1 Divine Smite 1 Rally Maneuver 2 You're Ambushed on the Road 2 You Hear Something on Watch 1 Mimic 1 Loyal Warhound 1 Steadfast Paladin 1 Leather Armor 2 Gloom Stalker 1 Magic Missile 1 Divine Smite 1 Blink Dog 1 Mimic 1 Leather Armor 1 Celestial Unicorn 1 Gloom Stalker 1 Ingenious Smith 1 Spare Dagger 1 Moon-Blessed Cleric 1 Devour Intellect 1 Forsworn Paladin 1 Bar the Gate 1 You See a Guard Approach 1 Barrowin of Clan Undurr 1 Unexpected Windfall 1 Ranger's Longbow 1 Gnoll Hunter