1 Courier Bat 8 Swamp 8 Plains 1 Sigarda's Imprisonment 1 Cemetery Protector 1 Concealing Curtains 2 Fierce Retribution 1 Drogskol Infantry 2 Gryff Rider 2 Kindly Ancestor 2 Heron of Hope 1 Doomed Dissenter 1 Nurturing Presence 1 Sorin the Mirthless 1 Voice of the Blessed 2 Markov Purifier 1 Gluttonous Guest 1 Dawnhart Geist 1 Twinblade Geist 3 Traveling Minister 1 Doomed Dissenter 1 Nurturing Presence 2 Reckless Impulse 1 Massive Might 1 Honeymoon Hearse 1 Scattered Thoughts 1 Runebound Wolf 1 Vampire Slayer 1 Piercing Light 1 Snarling Wolf 1 Nebelgast Beguiler 1 Glorious Sunrise 1 Parish-Blade Trainee 1 Flourishing Hunter 1 Reclusive Taxidermist 1 Sporeback Wolf 1 Mulch