1 Crushing Canopy 1 Foreboding Statue 1 Sheltering Boughs 1 Apprentice Sharpshooter 1 Weaver of Blossoms 1 Mulch 24 Forest 1 Cultivator Colossus 2 Boarded Window 1 Dormant Grove 1 Wolfkin Outcast 1 Hookhand Mariner 1 Sporeback Wolf 1 Toxic Scorpion 3 Nature's Embrace 1 Spiked Ripsaw 1 Dawnhart Disciple 1 Massive Might 1 Honored Heirloom 1 Oakshade Stalker 2 Bramble Armor 2 Retrieve 1 Spore Crawler 4 Snarling Wolf 1 Lightning Wolf 1 Nebelgast Beguiler 1 Change of Fortune 1 Heron of Hope 1 Geistlight Snare 1 Bloodsworn Squire 1 Gryffwing Cavalry 1 Weary Prisoner 1 Fearful Villager 2 Pyre Spawn