1 Bride's Gown 8 Island 1 Cradle of Safety 1 Militia Rallier 2 Gryff Rider 1 Dorothea, Vengeful Victim 1 Deathcap Glade 1 Lunar Rejection 1 Stitched Assistant 1 Wanderlight Spirit 1 Binding Geist 1 Heron of Hope 1 Brine Comber 1 Steelclad Spirit 1 Cobbled Lancer 2 Parish-Blade Trainee 9 Plains 2 Cruel Witness 3 Piercing Light 1 Kindly Ancestor 1 Chill of the Grave 1 Fear of Death 1 Hullbreaker Horror 1 Gryffwing Cavalry 1 Deathcap Glade 1 Wanderlight Spirit 1 Binding Geist 1 Steelclad Spirit 1 Parish-Blade Trainee 1 Scattered Thoughts 1 Bride's Gown 1 Supernatural Rescue 1 Wedding Invitation 1 Pyre Spawn 1 Sundown Pass 1 Old Rutstein 1 Syphon Essence 1 Lacerate Flesh 1 Graf Reaver 1 Fearful Villager 1 Soulcipher Board 1 Lightning Wolf 1 Blood Servitor