1 Hullbreaker Horror 1 Port of Karfell 2 Hall of Storm Giants 4 Clearwater Pathway 6 Snow-Covered Island 1 Hive of the Eye Tyrant 4 Shipwreck Marsh 6 Snow-Covered Swamp 2 Poppet Stitcher 2 Memory Deluge 2 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned 2 Hero's Downfall 2 Fading Hope 2 Jwari Disruption 1 Negate 1 Test of Talents 2 Divide by Zero 2 Bloodchief's Thirst 2 Village Rites 1 Feed the Swarm 2 Power Word Kill 4 Sedgemoor Witch 3 Blood on the Snow 4 Consider 2 Tainted Adversary 2 Environmental Sciences 1 Necrotic Fumes 2 Mascot Exhibition 2 Teachings of the Archaics