1 Scattered Thoughts 1 Blood Fountain 5 Island 3 Swamp 8 Forest 1 Dawnhart Disciple 1 Lunar Rejection 2 Weaver of Blossoms 3 Wolf Strike 1 Packsong Pup 1 Toxic Scorpion 1 Cloaked Cadet 1 Crushing Canopy 1 Hookhand Mariner 1 Ceremonial Knife 1 Honored Heirloom 1 Hullbreaker Horror 1 Flourishing Hunter 2 Cradle of Safety 1 Syphon Essence 1 Sporeback Wolf 1 Wash Away 1 Toxrill, the Corrosive 2 Reclusive Taxidermist 1 Mulch 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Toxic Scorpion 1 Crushing Canopy 1 Ceremonial Knife 1 Dormant Grove 2 Syphon Essence 2 Mulch 1 Bramble Armor 1 Laid to Rest 1 Gryff Rider 1 Rural Recruit 1 Wanderlight Spirit 1 Kindly Ancestor 1 Drogskol Infantry 1 Wash Away 1 Catapult Fodder 1 Snarling Wolf