1 Grim Initiate 1 Shriekdiver 8 Swamp 8 Mountain 1 Goblin Assailant 2 Spark Harvest 2 Direct Current 1 Justice Strike 1 Smelt-Ward Minotaur 1 Blade Instructor 1 Ledev Champion 1 Ornery Goblin 1 Intrusive Packbeast 1 Child of Night 2 Goblin Locksmith 1 Burning Prophet 1 Sure Strike 1 Fearless Halberdier 1 Judith, the Scourge Diva 1 Footlight Fiend 1 Theater of Horrors 2 Carnival 1 Gutterbones 1 Fireblade Artist 1 Spire Mangler 1 Vraska's Finisher 1 Plaguecrafter 1 Justice Strike 1 Blade Instructor 1 Ledev Champion 1 Intrusive Packbeast 1 Fearless Halberdier 1 Vraska's Finisher 1 Noxious Groodion 1 Thirsting Shade 1 Iron Bully 1 Goblin Assault Team 1 Invading Manticore 1 Veiled Shade 1 Prying Eyes 1 Justiciar's Portal 1 Shimmer of Possibility 1 Saheeli's Silverwing 2 Rafter Demon 1 Bond of Revival 1 Steady Aim