1 Trusted Pegasus 1 Gideon's Triumph 1 Honor the God-Pharaoh 4 Mountain 3 Swamp 6 Plains 1 Makeshift Battalion 2 Angrath's Rampage 1 Justice Strike 1 Intrusive Packbeast 1 Skyline Scout 1 Blade Instructor 1 Swathcutter Giant 1 Roc Charger 1 Boros Guildgate 1 Candlelight Vigil 1 Knight of Sorrows 2 Turret Ogre 1 Seraph of the Scales 1 Haazda Officer 1 Pitiless Pontiff 1 Vindictive Vampire 1 Orzhov Guildgate 1 Orzhov Guildgate 1 Grasping Thrull 1 Rafter Demon 2 Rakdos Trumpeter 1 Heartfire 1 Rakdos Guildgate 1 Intrusive Packbeast 1 Candlelight Vigil 1 Rafter Demon 1 Dead Weight 1 Gideon's Triumph 1 Rosemane Centaur 1 Selesnya Guildgate 1 Golgari Raiders 1 Wary Okapi 1 Vicious Rumors 1 Rubble Reading 1 Undercity Scavenger 1 Humongulus 1 Chainwhip Cyclops 1 Samut's Sprint 1 Kiora's Dambreaker 1 Steady Aim