1 Rite of Oblivion 8 Plains 8 Swamp 1 Fleshtaker 1 Foul Play 2 Lunarch Veteran 2 Borrowed Time 2 Candletrap 1 Revenge of the Drowned 1 Eaten Alive 3 Hobbling Zombie 2 Novice Occultist 1 Cathar Commando 1 Brutal Cathar 1 Morbid Opportunist 1 Defenestrate 2 Vampire Interloper 1 Mourning Patrol 1 Olivia's Midnight Ambush 1 Gavony Silversmith 1 Candletrap 2 Revenge of the Drowned 1 Shady Traveler 1 Novice Occultist 2 Crawl from the Cellar 1 Siege Zombie 1 Diregraf Rebirth 1 Devious Cover-Up 1 Locked in the Cemetery 1 Bat Whisperer 1 Larder Zombie 1 Phantom Carriage 1 Homestead Courage 1 Celestus Sanctifier 1 Grizzly Ghoul 1 Duress