1 Deadly Dispute 2 Hoarding Ogre 1 Evolving Wilds 8 Mountain 7 Swamp 1 Unexpected Windfall 1 Valor Singer 1 Red Dragon 2 Reaper's Talisman 2 Grim Bounty 2 Chaos Channeler 1 You See a Pair of Goblins 1 Earth-Cult Elemental 1 Rust Monster 2 Armory Veteran 1 Hired Hexblade 2 Goblin Javelineer 1 Hobgoblin Captain 1 Battle Cry Goblin 1 Plundering Barbarian 1 Xorn 1 Swarming Goblins 1 Improvised Weaponry 2 Earth-Cult Elemental 1 Baleful Beholder 2 Unexpected Windfall 3 Sepulcher Ghoul 1 Jaded Sell-Sword 1 Greataxe 1 Brazen Dwarf 1 Spare Dagger 1 Eyes of the Beholder 1 Kick in the Door 1 Boots of Speed 1 Critical Hit 1 Price of Loyalty