1 Zombie Ogre 1 Thieves' Tools 8 Swamp 8 Forest 1 Circle of the Moon Druid 1 Sepulcher Ghoul 1 Skeletal Swarming 1 Grim Bounty 2 Prosperous Innkeeper 1 Gnoll Hunter 1 Loathsome Troll 1 Purple Worm 1 Find the Path 1 Neverwinter Dryad 1 Bulette 1 Froghemoth 1 Hunter's Mark 1 Eyes of the Beholder 1 Hired Hexblade 1 Wandering Troubadour 1 Gelatinous Cube 1 Skullport Merchant 1 Sylvan Shepherd 1 Clattering Skeletons 1 Precipitous Drop 1 Find the Path 1 You Meet in a Tavern 1 You Happen On a Glade 1 Ranger's Longbow 2 Scaled Herbalist 1 Spiked Pit Trap 1 Check for Traps 1 Bull's Strength 1 Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker 1 Shocking Grasp 1 You're Ambushed on the Road 1 Plummet 1 Paladin's Shield 1 You Find Some Prisoners 1 Inspiring Bard 1 Air-Cult Elemental 1 Potion of Healing