1 Bird Admirer 1 Evolving Wilds 7 Plains 9 Forest 1 Pestilent Wolf 1 Odric's Outrider 1 Brutal Cathar 1 Unnatural Growth 1 Rise of the Ants 1 Dawnhart Wardens 1 Duelcraft Trainer 2 Deathbonnet Sprout 1 Cathar Commando 2 Timberland Guide 1 Candlelit Cavalry 1 Cathar's Call 1 Tireless Hauler 2 Lunarch Veteran 1 Sungold Barrage 1 Soul-Guide Gryff 1 Beloved Beggar 1 Mourning Patrol 1 Ritual Guardian 2 Blessed Defiance 1 Duel for Dominance 1 Turn the Earth 1 Defend the Celestus 2 Flare of Faith 2 Hedgewitch's Mask 1 Smoldering Egg 1 Drownyard Amalgam 2 Plummet 1 Celestus Sanctifier 1 Memory Deluge 1 Famished Foragers 1 Bat Whisperer 1 Lambholt Harrier