1 Candlegrove Witch 1 Jack-o'-Lantern 1 Candlelit Cavalry 1 Gavony Trapper 8 Plains 9 Forest 1 Eccentric Farmer 2 Timberland Guide 1 Katilda, Dawnhart Prime 1 Odric's Outrider 1 Gavony Silversmith 1 Candletrap 1 Lunarch Veteran 1 Silver Bolt 2 Dawnhart Wardens 2 Mourning Patrol 1 Homestead Courage 1 Harvesttide Sentry 1 Stormrider Spirit 1 Briarbridge Tracker 1 Unnatural Growth 1 Outland Liberator 1 Contortionist Troupe 2 Duel for Dominance 1 Tovolar's Huntmaster 1 Flare of Faith 1 Unruly Mob 1 Candletrap 1 Silver Bolt 1 Unruly Mob 2 Stormrider Spirit 1 Soul-Guide Gryff 1 Rite of Harmony 1 Turn the Earth 2 Return to Nature 2 Howl of the Hunt 1 Sungold Barrage 1 Stuffed Bear 1 Neonate's Rush 1 Eccentric Farmer 1 Hedgewitch's Mask 1 Field of Ruin