1 Field Trip 7 Forest 7 Swamp 1 Tend the Pests 1 Callous Bloodmage 1 Harmonize 1 Mage Hunters' Onslaught 1 Eyetwitch 2 Blood Researcher 3 Witherbloom Campus 1 Adventurous Impulse 2 Witherbloom Apprentice 2 Mage Duel 1 Karok Wrangler 1 Bookwurm 2 Hunt for Specimens 1 Specter of the Fens 1 Mortality Spear 1 Unwilling Ingredient 1 Tenured Inkcaster 1 Tendrils of Agony 1 Professor of Zoomancy 1 Letter of Acceptance 1 Professor's Warning 1 Moldering Karok 1 Cram Session 1 Essence Infusion 1 Promising Duskmage 1 Weather the Storm 1 Springmane Cervin 1 Fractal Summoning 1 Inkling Summoning 1 Introduction to Prophecy 2 Mascot Interception 1 Galazeth Prismari 1 Approach of the Second Sun 1 Humiliate 1 Expanded Anatomy 1 Detention Vortex 1 Novice Dissector