8 Swamp 8 Forest 1 Furycalm Snarl 3 Mage Duel 2 Emergent Sequence 1 Snakeskin Veil 1 Big Play 2 Reckless Amplimancer 2 Moldering Karok 1 Field Trip 1 Culling Ritual 2 Dina, Soul Steeper 2 Professor of Zoomancy 1 Bookwurm 1 Deadly Brew 1 Witherbloom Pledgemage 1 Baleful Mastery 1 Flunk 1 Karok Wrangler 1 Eliminate 1 Quandrix Campus 1 Springmane Cervin 1 Cultivate 1 Daemogoth Woe-Eater 1 Bayou Groff 1 Pest Summoning 1 Hunt for Specimens 1 Fractal Summoning 1 Biomathematician 1 Introduction to Annihilation 1 Divine Gambit 1 Eureka Moment 1 Lorehold Campus 1 Excavated Wall 1 Professor's Warning 1 Essence Infusion 1 Aether Helix 1 Big Play 1 Furycalm Snarl 1 Leyline Invocation 1 Reconstruct History