1 Clattering Skeletons 1 Kick in the Door 7 Swamp 8 Mountain 1 Baleful Beholder 1 Hired Hexblade 1 Jaded Sell-Sword 1 Zariel, Archduke of Avernus 1 Warlock Class 2 Temple of the Dragon Queen 2 Hobgoblin Captain 2 Swarming Goblins 1 Feign Death 1 Battle Cry Goblin 1 Farideh's Fireball 1 Valor Singer 1 You Find Some Prisoners 1 Magic Missile 1 Manticore 1 Boots of Speed 1 Herald of Hadar 1 Rust Monster 1 Black Dragon 1 Hoarding Ogre 1 Fates' Reversal 1 Check for Traps 2 Shortcut Seeker 1 Rally Maneuver 1 Critical Hit 2 Gloom Stalker 1 Demogorgon's Clutches 1 Power of Persuasion 1 Ray of Frost 1 Circle of the Moon Druid 1 Trelasarra, Moon Dancer 1 Armory Veteran 1 Choose Your Weapon 1 Bar the Gate 1 Mordenkainen's Polymorph