1 Mind Flayer 1 Charmed Sleep 1 Ebondeath, Dracolich 1 Ray of Enfeeblement 1 Soulknife Spy 1 Feywild Trickster 9 Island 2 Bar the Gate 1 Clattering Skeletons 1 Fly 1 Zombie Ogre 1 Djinni Windseer 1 Air-Cult Elemental 1 Blue Dragon 2 Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 1 Guild Thief 8 Swamp 2 Baleful Beholder 1 Precipitous Drop 1 Grim Wanderer 1 Thieves' Tools 1 Sepulcher Ghoul 1 Wild Shape 1 Leather Armor 1 Plummet 1 Fates' Reversal 1 Gloom Stalker 1 Zariel, Archduke of Avernus 1 Fifty Feet of Rope 1 Scaled Herbalist 1 Secret Door 1 Mordenkainen's Polymorph 1 You Find the Villains' Lair 1 True Polymorph 1 Rally Maneuver 1 Thieves' Tools 1 Keen-Eared Sentry 1 Silver Raven 1 Warlock Class 1 Loathsome Troll 1 Sylvan Shepherd