9 Plains 8 Forest 1 Helica Glider 1 Glowstone Recluse 1 Vulpikeet 1 Fight as One 2 Checkpoint Officer 2 Fertilid 1 Daysquad Marshal 1 Greater Sandwurm 1 Ram Through 1 Adventurous Impulse 1 Stormwild Capridor 1 Huntmaster Liger 1 Luminous Broodmoth 1 Blade Banish 2 Flycatcher Giraffid 1 Almighty Brushwagg 1 Savai Sabertooth 1 Fully Grown 1 Auspicious Starrix 1 Swallow Whole 1 Rumbling Rockslide 1 Go for Blood 2 Pyroceratops 1 Anticipate 1 Startling Development 1 Adaptive Shimmerer 1 Maned Serval 1 Reconnaissance Mission 1 Greater Sandwurm 1 Tentative Connection 1 Of One Mind 1 Keep Safe 1 Frenzied Raptor 1 Whirlwind of Thought 1 Escape Protocol 1 Flourishing Fox 1 Springjaw Trap 1 Imposing Vantasaur 1 Monstrous Step 1 Glimmerbell 1 Cloudpiercer