1 Zirda, the Dawnwaker 8 Forest 8 Plains 1 Patagia Tiger 1 Tranquil Cove 1 Savai Sabertooth 1 Vivien, Monsters' Advocate 1 Majestic Auricorn 2 Blade Banish 1 Huntmaster Liger 1 Splendor Mare 1 Checkpoint Officer 1 Vulpikeet 1 Plummet 1 Spontaneous Flight 1 Yorion, Sky Nomad 1 Essence Symbiote 1 Pacifism 1 Humble Naturalist 1 Maned Serval 1 Mosscoat Goriak 1 Light of Hope 1 Flycatcher Giraffid 1 Glowstone Recluse 1 Swallow Whole 1 Valiant Rescuer 1 Fight as One 1 Fully Grown 2 Spontaneous Flight 1 Drannith Healer 1 Springjaw Trap 1 Excavation Mole 1 Farfinder 1 Thwart the Enemy 1 Sleeper Dart 1 Serrated Scorpion 1 Nightsquad Commando 1 Easy Prey 1 Capture Sphere 1 Raking Claws 1 Sudden Spinnerets 1 Ferocious Tigorilla 1 Frenzied Raptor