1 Frost Lynx 1 Light of Hope 1 Helica Glider 1 Solid Footing 5 Mountain 5 Island 5 Plains 1 Maned Serval 1 Spontaneous Flight 1 Lutri, the Spellchaser 1 Inspired Ultimatum 1 Splendor Mare 1 Heightened Reflexes 1 Sanctuary Smasher 1 Stormwild Capridor 1 Startling Development 1 Pyroceratops 1 Blade Banish 1 Wind-Scarred Crag 1 Mystic Subdual 1 Zirda, the Dawnwaker 1 Raking Claws 1 Divine Arrow 1 Fight as One 1 Jubilant Skybonder 1 Frillscare Mentor 1 Tranquil Cove 1 Rooting Moloch 1 Vulpikeet 1 Pouncing Shoreshark 1 Unpredictable Cyclone 1 Gust of Wind 2 Forbidden Friendship 1 Solid Footing 1 Drannith Magistrate 1 Cloudpiercer 1 Cunning Nightbonder 1 Frostveil Ambush 1 Shredded Sails 3 Coordinated Charge 1 Eerie Ultimatum 1 Wilt 1 Sleeper Dart 1 Savai Sabertooth