1 Shredded Sails 5 Forest 5 Mountain 5 Swamp 1 Excavation Mole 1 Migration Path 1 Dirge Bat 1 Insatiable Hemophage 2 Farfinder 2 Memory Leak 1 Bushmeat Poacher 1 Lurking Deadeye 1 Ferocious Tigorilla 2 Durable Coilbug 1 Sanctuary Smasher 1 Blitz Leech 1 Charge of the Forever-Beast 1 Back for More 1 Proud Wildbonder 1 Lava Serpent 1 Humble Naturalist 1 Gemrazer 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Prickly Marmoset 1 Indatha Triome 2 Farfinder 1 Memory Leak 2 Bushmeat Poacher 1 Lurking Deadeye 1 Blisterspit Gremlin 1 Lava Serpent 1 Lutri, the Spellchaser 1 Adaptive Shimmerer 1 Unpredictable Cyclone 1 Blossoming Sands 1 Nightsquad Commando 1 Thwart the Enemy 1 Wilt 1 Perimeter Sergeant 1 Excavation Mole 1 Light of Hope 1 Fully Grown