8 Forest 8 Island 1 Monstrous Step 1 Auspicious Starrix 2 Dreamtail Heron 1 Migratory Greathorn 1 Pollywog Symbiote 1 Jubilant Skybonder 3 Fertilid 1 Greater Sandwurm 2 Ram Through 1 Farfinder 3 Humble Naturalist 1 Neutralize 1 Wingspan Mentor 1 Mythos of Illuna 1 Capture Sphere 2 Of One Mind 1 Archipelagore 2 Tranquil Cove 1 Boon of the Wish-Giver 1 Migration Path 1 Sudden Spinnerets 1 Anticipate 1 Garrison Cat 1 Dismal Backwater 1 Excavation Mole 1 Fully Grown 1 Savai Crystal 1 Patagia Tiger 1 Blazing Volley 1 Keensight Mentor 1 Splendor Mare 1 Adaptive Shimmerer 1 Adventurous Impulse 1 Blossoming Sands 1 Corpse Churn