1 Cloudpiercer 9 Mountain 8 Plains 1 Clash of Titans 2 Go for Blood 4 Prickly Marmoset 1 Ferocious Tigorilla 1 Drannith Stinger 2 Divine Arrow 1 Fire Prophecy 1 Checkpoint Officer 1 Snare Tactician 1 Footfall Crater 2 Lava Serpent 2 Spelleater Wolverine 1 Valiant Rescuer 1 Shredded Sails 1 Savai Thundermane 1 Keensight Mentor 2 Pyroceratops 1 Greater Sandwurm 1 Savai Sabertooth 2 Almighty Brushwagg 1 Keep Safe 1 Light of Hope 1 Solid Footing 1 Neutralize 1 Wilt 1 Mosscoat Goriak 1 Monstrous Step 1 Helica Glider 1 Maned Serval 3 Sudden Spinnerets 1 Dark Bargain 1 Cathartic Reunion