1 Hill Giant Herdgorger 1 Volo, Guide to Monsters 1 Clattering Skeletons 3 Wandering Troubadour 1 Warlock Class 8 Forest 1 Owlbear 1 Gnoll Hunter 2 Shambling Ghast 1 Bulette 2 Vampire Spawn 1 Hoard Robber 1 Black Dragon 1 Prosperous Innkeeper 1 Fates' Reversal 1 Herald of Hadar 1 Circle of the Moon Druid 1 Sylvan Shepherd 1 Feign Death 1 Skeletal Swarming 9 Swamp 1 Flameskull 1 Valor Singer 1 Baleful Beholder 1 Wandering Troubadour 2 Swarming Goblins 1 Fifty Feet of Rope 1 You Find the Villains' Lair 1 Bag of Holding 1 Ingenious Smith 1 Arborea Pegasus 2 Soulknife Spy 1 You're Ambushed on the Road 1 Power of Persuasion 1 Bar the Gate 1 Find the Path 1 Scaled Herbalist 1 Shocking Grasp