1 Naga Vitalist 1 Greater Sandwurm 8 Mountain 7 Forest 1 Sunset Pyramid 1 Gilded Cerodon 1 Majestic Myriarch 1 Fervent Paincaster 1 Khenra Charioteer 1 Shefet Monitor 1 Pathmaker Initiate 2 Nef-Crop Entangler 1 Bitterbow Sharpshooters 2 Evolving Wilds 1 Sidewinder Naga 2 Cartouche of Zeal 2 Cartouche of Strength 2 Puncturing Blow 2 Initiate's Companion 1 Zealot of the God-Pharaoh 1 Hooded Brawler 3 Desert Cerodon 1 Hieroglyphic Illumination 1 Crash Through 1 Nimble-Blade Khenra 1 Bloodlust Inciter 1 Ornery Kudu 1 Riddleform 2 Tormenting Voice 1 Cartouche of Knowledge 2 Strategic Planning 1 Pouncing Cheetah 1 Thorned Moloch 1 Hekma Sentinels