8 Mountain 1 Kolaghan's Command 1 Hazoret the Fervent 3 Glorybringer 4 Robber of the Rich 4 Bonecrusher Giant 2 Soul-Guide Lantern 4 Scrapheap Scrounger 2 Shock 3 Chandra, Torch of Defiance 4 Bomat Courier 4 Goblin Chainwhirler 4 Dragonskull Summit 3 Canyon Slough 4 Blightstep Pathway 4 Blood Crypt 3 Shatterskull Smashing 2 Unlicensed Disintegration 2 Kolaghan's Command 2 Lava Coil 1 Doom Blade 1 Abrade 2 Soul-Guide Lantern 2 Legion's End 4 Thoughtseize 1 Hazoret the Fervent