1 Dancing Sword 2 Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker 1 Air-Cult Elemental 1 Iymrith, Desert Doom 2 Charmed Sleep 1 Dungeon Map 4 Forest 1 Bar the Gate 1 Wandering Troubadour 7 Island 1 You Find a Cursed Idol 1 Cloister Gargoyle 1 Ranger's Hawk 1 Veteran Dungeoneer 1 Cave of the Frost Dragon 5 Plains 1 Drizzt Do'Urden 1 Guild Thief 1 Soulknife Spy 1 Dawnbringer Cleric 1 Bull's Strength 1 Celestial Unicorn 1 Djinni Windseer 1 Minimus Containment 1 Blink Dog 1 Dragon's Fire 2 Hired Hexblade 1 Mimic 1 Devoted Paladin 2 Boots of Speed 2 Shortcut Seeker 1 Herald of Hadar 1 Instrument of the Bards 1 You Meet in a Tavern 1 Check for Traps 1 Hunter's Mark 1 Hobgoblin Captain 1 Potion of Healing 3 Devour Intellect 2 Scaled Herbalist 1 Red Dragon 1 Farideh's Fireball 1 Ray of Enfeeblement 1 Earth-Cult Elemental 1 Battle Cry Goblin 1 Kick in the Door 1 Bulette 1 Circle of the Moon Druid 1 Eyes of the Beholder 1 Loathsome Troll 2 Inspiring Bard 1 Valor Singer 1 Vampire Spawn 1 Fates' Reversal 1 Ranger's Longbow 1 Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade 1 Barrowin of Clan Undurr 1 Mordenkainen's Polymorph 1 Hoarding Ogre 1 Hoard Robber 1 Plummet 1 Krydle of Baldur's Gate 1 Chaos Channeler 1 Wild Shape 1 Armory Veteran 1 Goblin Javelineer 1 Zombie Ogre 1 Precipitous Drop 2 Sylvan Shepherd 2 Plundering Barbarian 1 Meteor Swarm 1 Dire Wolf Prowler 1 Minimus Containment 1 Dawnbringer Cleric 2 Bull's Strength