1 Splinterfright 1 Boneyard Wurm 1 Tracker's Instincts 1 Wingcrafter 1 Deranged Assistant 1 Armored Skaab 1 Fog Bank 1 Ghoultree 1 Dream Twist 1 Gnaw to the Bone 1 Wreath of Geists 1 Artful Dodge 1 Crawling Sensation 1 Elvish Mystic 1 Pulse of Murasa 1 Nature's Spiral 1 Naturalize 1 Hedron Crab 1 Epiphany at the Drownyard 1 Curse of the Bloody Tome 1 Thornwood Falls 8 Island 10 Forest 1 Golgari Grave-Troll 1 Wonder 1 Kessig Cagebreakers 1 Millikin 1 Wharf Infiltrator 1 Nemesis of Mortals 1 Reclamation Sage 1 Sakura-Tribe Elder 1 Thrashing Brontodon 1 Satyr Wayfinder 1 Worm Harvest 1 Cackling Counterpart 1 Roar of the Wurm 1 Acidic Slime 1 Genesis 1 Gleaming Overseer 1 Shepherd of Rot 1 Springbloom Druid 1 Syr Konrad, the Grim 1 Taigam, Sidisi's Hand 1 Undead Augur 1 Cultivate 1 Path of Discovery 1 Spider Spawning 1 Command Tower 1 Dismal Backwater 1 Jungle Hollow 1 Simic Guildgate 1 Woodland Stream 5 Swamp 1 Increasing Confusion 1 Increasing Savagery 1 Nullmage Shepherd 1 Vivid Grove 1 Muldrotha, the Gravetide 1 Tangled Florahedron 1 Foul Orchard 1 Nephalia Drownyard 1 Eternal Witness 1 Chromatic Lantern 1 Vivid Creek 1 Izoni, Thousand-Eyed 1 Putrefy 1 Submerged Boneyard 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Loam Dryad 1 Groundskeeper 1 World Shaper 1 Underrealm Lich 1 Splendid Reclamation 1 Undead Warchief 1 Clearwater Pathway 1 Dawntreader Elk 1 Whisperer of the Wilds 1 Liliana's Indignation 1 Phyrexian Reclamation 1 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant