8 Forest 8 Island 1 Serpentine Curve 1 Kianne, Dean of Substance 1 Ecological Appreciation 1 Quandrix Apprentice 2 Aether Helix 2 Quandrix Pledgemage 1 Wormhole Serpent 1 Mentor's Guidance 1 Biblioplex Assistant 2 Bury in Books 1 Eureka Moment 2 Pop Quiz 2 Arcane Subtraction 2 Reckless Amplimancer 1 Waterfall Aerialist 1 Manifestation Sage 1 Quandrix Campus 1 Field Trip 2 Big Play 1 Arcane Subtraction 1 Elemental Summoning 1 Introduction to Prophecy 1 Thrill of Possibility 1 Curate 2 Ageless Guardian 1 Prismari Pledgemage 1 Environmental Sciences 1 Defend the Campus 1 Fortifying Draught 1 Moldering Karok 1 Fractal Summoning 1 Expanded Anatomy 1 Show of Confidence 1 Divine Gambit 1 Letter of Acceptance 1 Springmane Cervin 1 Biomathematician