1 Silverquill Campus 1 Adventurous Impulse 6 Forest 5 Swamp 3 Plains 1 Novice Dissector 1 Moldering Karok 1 Flunk 1 Tezzeret's Gambit 1 Mage Hunters' Onslaught 1 Access Tunnel 1 Witherbloom Pledgemage 1 Infuse with Vitality 1 Hunt for Specimens 1 Silverquill Command 1 Daemogoth Woe-Eater 1 Blood Researcher 1 Witherbloom Campus 1 Quandrix Pledgemage 2 Rise of Extus 1 Scurrid Colony 1 Duress 1 Springmane Cervin 1 Expel 1 Leech Fanatic 1 Dina, Soul Steeper 1 Campus Guide 1 Pest Summoning 1 Lorehold Pledgemage 1 Pest Summoning 1 Fractal Summoning 1 Introduction to Annihilation 1 Introduction to Prophecy 1 Ageless Guardian 1 Divine Gambit 1 Sudden Breakthrough 1 Resculpt 1 Start from Scratch 1 Solve the Equation 2 Tangletrap 1 Curate 1 Fracture 1 Clever Lumimancer 1 Crushing Disappointment 1 Reconstruct History 1 First Day of Class