8 Swamp 8 Forest 1 Tenured Inkcaster 1 Gnarled Professor 1 Devouring Tendrils 1 Honor Troll 3 Quandrix Pledgemage 1 Crux of Fate 3 Lash of Malice 1 Witherbloom Campus 2 Brackish Trudge 1 Blood Researcher 1 Scurrid Colony 2 Moldering Karok 1 Crushing Disappointment 1 Go Blank 1 Bookwurm 1 Witherbloom Apprentice 2 Mage Duel 1 Needlethorn Drake 1 Aether Helix 1 Plumb the Forbidden 1 Bayou Groff 1 Infuse with Vitality 1 Field Trip 1 Reckless Amplimancer 1 Lorehold Excavation 1 Expanded Anatomy 1 Springmane Cervin 2 Elemental Masterpiece 2 Pillardrop Warden 2 Novice Dissector 1 Fractal Summoning 1 Thrilling Discovery 1 Quandrix Cultivator 1 Exhilarating Elocution 1 Serpentine Curve