8 Island 8 Forest 1 Quandrix Campus 1 Quandrix Cultivator 1 Decisive Denial 2 Needlethorn Drake 3 Arcane Subtraction 2 Biomathematician 1 Mentor's Guidance 1 Quandrix Pledgemage 1 Biblioplex Assistant 1 Emergent Sequence 1 Eureka Moment 2 Field Trip 1 Serpentine Curve 1 Reckless Amplimancer 2 Scurrid Colony 1 Dream Strix 1 Leyline Invocation 1 Aether Helix 1 Prismari Apprentice 1 Practical Research 2 Big Play 1 Elemental Masterpiece 2 Pest Summoning 2 Cram Session 1 Fractal Summoning 1 Expanded Anatomy 1 Thrilling Discovery 1 Spell Satchel 1 Sudden Breakthrough 1 Pillardrop Warden 1 Tangletrap 1 Reduce to Memory 1 First Day of Class 1 Novice Dissector 1 Springmane Cervin 1 Divine Gambit