1 Silverquill Campus 1 Plumb the Forbidden 3 Mountain 6 Swamp 2 Plains 1 Unwilling Ingredient 2 Archway Commons 1 Professor of Symbology 1 Blot Out the Sky 1 Umbral Juke 2 Heated Debate 3 Lorehold Campus 1 Owlin Shieldmage 2 Star Pupil 1 Tenured Inkcaster 1 Letter of Acceptance 1 Stonebinder's Familiar 1 Eliminate 1 Quintorius, Field Historian 2 Mage Hunters' Onslaught 1 Expel 2 Lorehold Excavation 1 Tome Shredder 1 Cram Session 1 Exhilarating Elocution 1 Expanded Anatomy 1 Reduce to Memory 1 Tangletrap 1 Humiliate 1 Clever Lumimancer 1 Introduction to Annihilation 1 Relic Sloth 2 Teach by Example 1 Biblioplex Assistant 1 Stonerise Spirit 2 Novice Dissector 1 First Day of Class 1 Oggyar Battle-Seer 1 Promising Duskmage