8 Mountain 9 Plains 1 Lorehold Command 2 Returned Pastcaller 1 Pigment Storm 1 Pilgrim of the Ages 1 Eager First-Year 1 Reflective Golem 3 Dueling Coach 1 Guiding Voice 1 Pillardrop Warden 2 Pillardrop Rescuer 1 Biblioplex Assistant 1 Plargg, Dean of Chaos 1 Retriever Phoenix 1 Rip Apart 1 Expel 1 Reconstruct History 1 Twinscroll Shaman 1 First Day of Class 1 Thrilling Discovery 1 Detention Vortex 1 Tangletrap 1 Expanded Anatomy 1 Tendrils of Agony 1 Reduce to Memory 1 Crushing Disappointment 1 Frost Trickster 1 Defiant Strike 1 Introduction to Prophecy 1 Elemental Masterpiece 1 Memory Lapse 1 Spectacle Mage 1 Divide by Zero 1 Spirit Summoning 1 Prismari Campus 1 Mentor's Guidance 1 Environmental Sciences 1 Creative Outburst 1 Mana Tithe 1 Inquisition of Kozilek 1 Waterfall Aerialist 1 Ageless Guardian