1 Emergent Sequence 8 Island 8 Forest 1 Teach by Example 1 Negate 1 Mage Duel 1 Divide by Zero 2 Frost Trickster 1 Leyline Invocation 3 Arcane Subtraction 1 Needlethorn Drake 1 Multiple Choice 1 Quandrix Pledgemage 1 Eureka Moment 1 Serpentine Curve 1 Reckless Amplimancer 1 Curate 1 Burrog Befuddler 1 Prismari Campus 1 Counterspell 1 Professor of Zoomancy 1 Ingenious Mastery 1 Pop Quiz 1 Professor of Symbology 1 Introduction to Annihilation 1 Rip Apart 3 Elemental Summoning 1 Shock 1 Eager First-Year 1 Stonebound Mentor 1 Revitalize 1 Pest Summoning 1 Curate 1 Burrog Befuddler 1 Spectacle Mage 2 Blood Age General 1 Chaos Warp 1 Mascot Interception 1 Reject 1 Secret Rendezvous 1 Ardent Dustspeaker