1 Serpentine Curve 7 Island 7 Mountain 2 Forest 1 Pop Quiz 1 Plargg, Dean of Chaos 1 Igneous Inspiration 1 Pigment Storm 2 Heated Debate 2 Expressive Iteration 1 Prismari Pledgemage 1 Burrog Befuddler 1 Torrent Sculptor 1 Uvilda, Dean of Perfection 1 Blood Age General 1 Maelstrom Muse 1 Bury in Books 1 Storm-Kiln Artist 1 Kianne, Dean of Substance 1 Frost Trickster 1 Electrolyze 1 Prismari Campus 1 Opt 1 Kelpie Guide 1 Quandrix Pledgemage 1 Inkling Summoning 1 Lorehold Campus 1 Reflective Golem 1 Spectacle Mage 1 Expanded Anatomy 1 Elemental Summoning 1 Biblioplex Assistant 1 Pillardrop Warden 1 Mentor's Guidance 2 Enthusiastic Study 1 Start from Scratch 1 Illuminate History 1 Oggyar Battle-Seer 1 Ardent Dustspeaker 1 Beaming Defiance 1 Semester's End 1 Access Tunnel 1 Stonebound Mentor 1 Defend the Campus 1 Pillardrop Rescuer